Though foxes are not listed as a nuisance animal in the state of Missouri, they can certainly become one quickly, and removing them can be tricky. The predators are most active at night when they're searching for food, and their natural prey can be the size of your small pet.
There are two common types of foxes in Missouri: the Red Fox, which looks very similar to a dog, but with pointy, front-facing ears, a pointed muzzle, and a big bushy tail with thick red or orange fur and black legs and feet; and the Grey Fox. You guessed it - it is grey, and also a bit smaller and with fur that doesn't look quite as soft.
Because foxes can eat almost anything, you may find them digging through your trash, terrorizing your chicken coop, or trying to sneak into your backyard. They're also known to dig dens under porches and decks during the winter or when they've just had pups.
Once they've settled, getting them out is no easy task for someone without training. Think about it, would you want to stick your hand near the saber-like teeth of a female fox protecting her young after she's made herself a home under your shed? And, do you want your kids walking near that den? We sure don't. Foxes can also carry rabies and mange, so risking a bite by trying to handle the animal yourself is not an option.
Missouri has precise rules regarding traps, and the Missouri Department of Conservation says most traps can be hazardous if you aren't an expert. Because foxes are cunning and wary animals, they won't fall for just any trap – it has to be well-hidden and disguised by people who know how to out-smart the animal. There are also laws about relocating wildlife in Missouri because you could accidentally spread disease or leave the animal somewhere where it'll only become a problem for someone else.
Our licensed nuisance wildlife removal technicians have the experience in many humane ways to catch and remove foxes and make sure they don't come back to terrorize your household. Once we trap and remove the foxes, we'll go back around your home and make adjustments to ensure another group of them doesn't return. That could include suggesting you add in fencing or gates, making a plan to move would-be fox food supplies indoors, and laying out repellant. We can also talk to you about intimidation techniques and how to install lighting that discourages foxes from approaching.
At Veteran's Pride Wildlife Control, we understand how urgent pest issues can be, and we take our customers' sense of security seriously. Because we want to make sure you always have someone to call in an emergency, we offer 24-hour service. We're a family of St. Louis locals who put in time serving our country, and now we spend our time serving our community. Contact us any time, day or night, to have a licensed nuisance wildlife expert help you with your animal problem, and make sure you never have one again.